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Get trackers

Gets the trackers for a project.

Path Parameters
organizationId uuid REQUIRED
projectId uuid REQUIRED
Query Parameters
name string

Possible values: length ≤ 256

type string

Possible values: [cookie, script, iframe]

category string

Possible values: [analytics, functional, marketing, strictly_necessary, unclassified, ignored, malicious]

pattern string

Possible values: length ≤ 256

company string

Possible values: length ≤ 256

domain string

Possible values: length ≤ 128

description string
sort string
order string
offset integer
limit integer

Possible values: value ≤ 1000


Default Response

offset integer OPTIONAL
count integer OPTIONAL
total integer
items object[] OPTIONAL
id uuid
dateCreated integer
dateUpdated integer
company string OPTIONAL
organization uuid
project uuid
name string OPTIONAL

Possible values: length ≤ 256

description string OPTIONAL
domain string OPTIONAL
category string OPTIONAL

Possible values: [analytics, functional, marketing, strictly_necessary, unclassified, ignored, malicious]

pattern string OPTIONAL
type string

Possible values: [cookie, script, iframe]